Derma Medicus is a specialistic office for skin and sexually transmitted diseases and aesthetic dermatology which is involved in diagnostics and treatment of skin and its attachments (hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands), visible mucous membranes, sexually transmitted diseases and aesthetic dermatology.

Knowledge and experience that is passed down from generation to generation. After his grandfather, father and uncle, Dr. Dimitrije is a third generation dermatovenerologist. It continues a tradition that lasts almost a whole century of dealing with scientific and applied dermatology.
Dr Dimitrije Karabahčiev, specialist for skin and sexually transmitted diseases. He has finished medical faculty at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade, and specialization in dermatovenereology at the Clinic for skin and sexually transmitted diseases of the Clinical Centre of Serbia. After completed specialization he continued with professional improvement in Serbia and abroad in the fields of cryosurgery, electrosurgery, dermatosurgery, dermatoscopy, hyaluronic fillers, chemical peeling, mesotherapy. Member of the Society of Dermatovenereologists of Serbia, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and International Dermoscopy Society. Since the year 2011. he is involved in private practice.